Countless battles have been fought by the factions of Law and Chaos, and many more will be, until one of the two prevails… until the Happening comes and the new Era can begin, as a consequence of the Victory of one of the two warring sides. The Lord of non-life and non-death established his throne in a fortress created by magic at the bottom of an abyss, a chasm in the Circling Mountains among crevices and caves. From there, he …
Category: story
The Great Golden Mother of Dragons had the feeling that Erthuan’s energetic field had been disrupted since the first moment the Chaos Lords set foot in our world. Despite being …
In the year 917, some young dragons, annoyed by the lengthy decision-making of the Circle, decided to leave. Caught up in the frenzy of wanting to demonstrate their valiance, they …
When the dragons in Gathering received news of the fallen dragons, they understood that to take on the Chaos Lords it was necessary to share what they knew with the …
Minotaurs are a fiery and proud people, unwilling to submit. They are fierce, brave fighters who love winning, prevailing, and relishing their successes. For this reason, the old King, Glaucus …
Salonthur is a rich and multicultural coastal kingdom where peace and justice reign. The royal family descends directly from Emperor Beriagar, and the current King, Vandor, is a wise and …
After corrupting and bringing the wild elves to damnation, the Lord of Betrayal and Deceit changed his appearance again, presenting himself to the men of Tharghilion as a wealthy merchant. …
During the centuries, the Dorkhome dwarves and the SlayerRock slayers had experienced several vicissitudes, at times as allies, at times as foes. The slayers are barbarian dwarves dedicated to the …